Month: July 2015
More Art for my Wall: Storm and Black Panther
Click or not...: More Art for my Wall: Storm and Black PantherThe Wedding of Black Panther and Storm. Another addition to the wall of my studio. Continuing my collection of art focusing on Black Superheroes. Star Wars: Lando #1, Black Goliath #1, Shaft #1, Captain America #1… Still looking for a copy of Black Panther #1 and the first appearance of Blade Vampire Hunter.. Read more...
My Office/Art Studio…. I am such a NERD!
Click or not...: My Office/Art Studio…. I am such a NERD!Here’s a pic of my office/Studio. My wife calls it my “Nerd Cave”. I got lucky and was able to get all of my furniture off of Craigslist. An Architect company went out of business and sold all of their drawing desks super cheap. Read more...
Kopy Kat and the Bomb Squad: Page 9 rough layouts
Click or not...: Kopy Kat and the Bomb Squad: Page 9 rough layoutsStarted page 9, got the initial layout done. Will definitely change the last panel, but I think this is overall layout for page 9. time to amp things up with some crazy action for the next few pages… Corey Read more...
Kopy Kat & the Bomb Squad page 8: WIP
Click or not...: Kopy Kat & the Bomb Squad page 8: WIPKopy Kat & The Bomb Sqaug page 8 , adding the initial digital inks, still working out the details with this one, trying to speed up my process, and fix some things while i’m inking, hope to finish this this week….. Corey Read more...